The Best Way to Drink Matcha

The Best Way to Drink Matcha
Posted on December 19, 2018 | by Steve O'Dell
The Best Way to Drink Matcha
If you’ve stopped in any café recently, you might have noticed the green drink that seems to be getting ordered time and time again. It’s no secret that matcha is taking off. Matcha tea comes packed with a variety of health benefits that help millions of Americans kickstart their day. Like anything, not all matcha is created equal. Here’s a quick guide to help you look forward to your next morning power drink.
Why is Matcha so Popular?
They say you are what you eat - - and that couldn’t hold any more truth for drinks as well. Many people substitute matcha green tea for coffee. Change can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. Matcha contains many properties that help you not only look better but feel better too! For starters, it’s important that we know exactly what matcha is. Matcha green tea is a powder that comes from the grindings of green tea leaves. These leaves are identical to the ones that come in traditional green tea pouches with the exception of one main difference. Green tea uses leaves that are dried and preserved so, when you go to drink traditional green tea, you are only getting the benefits that remain in the leaf. With matcha, you are essentially drinking every part of the leaf in its young, nutrient-rich form. This ensures that no nutritional benefits are left behind. It is for this reason that people are ditching their morning coffee for a cup of matcha tea.
What Makes Matcha so Healthy?
This is where it gets exciting. For a moment, think about what you get out of coffee. How does it make you feel? While there’s no doubt that the flavor of coffee can be addictive, it is also true that its long-term effects come with some downsides. The problem with coffee is that it brings about a great boost of energy - - one that is short-lived. If you’re anything like us, you know how good it feels to wake up eager to take on the day ahead. Coffee left us feeling drained halfway through the day. The cool thing about matcha is that it also contains caffeine. So, you’re still getting that same boost of energy. The difference becomes apparent when you add l-theanine to the mix. L-theanine is an amino acid that helps to balance out the energizing effects of caffeine.
Matcha Gives you Energy
The way l-theanine works is it causes your body to feel relaxed, yet focused. Imagine concentration with a side of tranquility. This is what l-theanine does on its own. When you mix it with caffeine, it helps to bring on a slower, yet still as potent, amount of energy throughout the day. This means that, come lunchtime when your friends and coworkers are feeling drained, you’ll be feeling powerful both mentally and physically.
How to Drink Matcha
Many cafés add ingredients to their matcha to make it seem like a premium drink. The great thing about matcha tea is that it is already a luxury in its most natural form. If you want to reap all the health benefits that come hand-in-hand with matcha green tea, the best way to drink matcha is with as little sugar and honey as possible. A little bit never hurts every once in a while, but making a habit of drinking real, organic matcha will help you feel great all day long.